Behavior Management
- Please refer to the BTW Teacher Weebly for specific instructions regarding behavior management.
- Teachers are expected to supervise students assigned to their care at all times. An adult must be present at all times. Teachers should not leave the classroom to bring a discipline issue to the office. Never leave a student in charge of your class. Any teacher who chooses to leave his/her class unattended will be subject to disciplinary actions.
- Teachers are expected to monitor the behavior of all students. This responsibility extends to the halls, campus, restrooms, and off-campus activities.
- Do not send students to another classroom during instructional time unless there is an instructional need.
- Students will be in the library and the computer lab for legitimate use only. Neither of these places is a study or discipline hall. Equipment may be obtained for teacher’s use by making a request.
- Use movies judiciously and sparingly. Do not show a movie merely to entertain, to fill up time, to work on report cards, Engrade, or to give a break when everyone is tired. Any movie you use should be pertinent to the subject material of your class. To be effective, any movie shown should be used in conjunction with a class discussion or perhaps study questions. Do not allow students to talk, sleep, or do homework during a movie. If a movie is not important enough for students to watch, do not show it. It should go without saying that a movie with adult language or other questionable matter is out of place in the classroom. Use of movies must be included in lesson plans. Movies must be Board approved.
- All teachers are responsible for clearing suspensions. Suspensions are cleared after school Tuesday – Thursday. In the event of extenuating circumstances and administration has approved clearing the suspension during the day, the student’s teachers will be immediately notified and provided the opportunity to provide comments to the parent about the student’s class progress (academic and behavioral).
- The DO NOT ADMIT list shall be distributed electronically to all teachers and printed for substitutes.