Staff Ethics
- Maintain two-way communication with pupils, parents, staff members and community.
- Solve problems which arise in a just and equitable manner.
- Grow in skill and understanding in the job assigned.
- Interpret the system's goals and operations to the public.
- Represent the Board in such a manner that criticism is not directed at the Board.
- Refrain from any activities or dealings which will personally enhance the employee to the detriment of the system.
- Abide by established procedures to air complaints and grievances.
- Follow all policies and administrative rules.
- Maintain a professional relationship with students, parents, staff members, and community.
- Maintain confidentiality of records as required by school system policy, state and federal laws.
- All teachers should refrain from using profanity in the presence of students.
- In order to establish a professional atmosphere it is recommended that the staff refer to each other and all adults by the title of Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Dr., instead of using first names, when in the presence of students and non-staff members.
- Teachers are expected to dress neatly and wear school-appropriate attire. The teacher’s appearance will greatly influence both the appearance and behavior of our students. Jeans and jogging suits should not be worn unless specified for a special occasion. Any teacher dressed scantily or inappropriately will be asked to change into more appropriate attire.