Student Grades
- If work is not graded and returned in 48 hours the grade cannot count toward the average.
- All teachers will participate in a grade book audit bi-weekly.
- All teachers are required to provide one-hour of face-to-face tutoring each week (each department chooses a different day):
- Before school
- Lunch & Learn
- After School
- Grade equity is necessary for student success. BTW's failure documentation procedure is in alignment with all MSCS grading policies. This documentation must be in place for all students who receive a grade of 70 or below on a gradebook audit or progress report:
- Issued a PTC
- During the PTC, parents learn about deficiencies, and how to improve grade.
- PTC includes student, parent, teacher, SPED chair is applicable.
- If parent does not show, meeting must take place with ADMIN or counselor present.
- Students must submit all makeup work within two weeks of meeting date.
- Acceptable forms of makeup work are Gradpoint, missed assignments in ENGRADE, or makeup packet. When students receive makeup work, teachers must also issue a due date.
- If students fail to makeup work, the teacher must alert the grade appropriate counselor.
- The counselor then assigns pull-outs, detention, ISS, or Saturday School and the child completes the work. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION.
- If the child fails to show for scheduled makeup work date, then the counselor must then alert ADMIN.
- During the PTC, parents learn about deficiencies, and how to improve grade.
- Issued a PTC